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February 9, 2016

Meet 4 Weird Romantic Couples from Telugu Serials (Running)

Love happens with a little weird people.Don't ask me reasons. Better you find them.No offence.Here weird means not bad.

Guys, this means only onscreen love according to story.

For this Valentine'S day let me give you this 4 weird Romantic Couple from Telugu Serials.

1.Swathichinukulu pair
They had a relation in family.They love each other.Married.Fighted.Left.Again came together.
This was normal . But when you see serial you will fell in love with them.This is weird.

2.SravanaSameeralu Pair

Pooja-Criminal lawayer.Arjun-looks rough but heart is pure.

Their love is something adorable.They mostly never fight with each other.Practically , they will understands each other's opinions and respects their decision.

Arjun wants to go away.But Pooja lives and searches for him an entire life if she wants.

3.VarudhiniParinayam Pair
Varudhini-Middle class girl,Confident,Inteligent  (at least better than Parthu)
Parthu-Rich Guy .
They love each other.But egos gives separation.Or family gives.
But end of the day they can't live without each other.

Sasi-Abhi will definitely irritated you.Why?
They are adorable.Their love is some confuse drama.Abhi can't recognise dream girl. Sasi taken 100s of episodes to express her love.

But still we love them.Because love is WEIRD.
Hope you understanded what I meant.

These are our list.Tell us whom you think the weird love couple on TV.

Enjoyed reading?Tweet @tv_cuddle to tell us.

Don't forget to Comment and wish these couples a Happy Valentine's day❤❤❤.

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