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November 8, 2015

Yudhishtira Crowned at Last and Krishna Accepts the Curse from Gandhari

After the Kurukshetra war,here time comes for the end of Mahabharatham on #maatv.

Mahbharatham Final Episode Written Update : Part 198 (Reach Cuddle your TV on Twitter @tv_cuddle.)

Pandavas reaches Bhishma and takes his blessings.Bhishma explains 6 qualities for a King.Arjuna wishes to serve Bhishma but he denied.Bhishma says he will wait for Uttarayana.

Dhritharashtra rejects to pay welcome respects for Pandavas.Vidura explains the importance of tredition.Dhritharshtra welcomes Pandavas and blessed Yudhistira.Dhritharashtra offers a hug for Bhima.Bhima asks for forgiveness but he denies.

Dhritharshtra Kougili: (#CuddleyourTV)

Later,Dhritharstra hugs an idol and damages with his strength and thinks it as Bhima.After this he relaizes his mistake and heratfully welcomes Pandavas.

Dharmaraja Crowned and Krishna Accepts Curse from Gandhari:

Dhritharashtra gives the opportunity to Crown Yudhistira TO Vidura.Vidura says"Sri Krishna is the one who has to do this".
Gandhari runs into Sabha and warns Krishna to not do this.Dhritharshtra warns her but she curses Krishna.

Gandhari Curse: Like Cuddle your TV on Facebook.

Gandhari Cursed Lord Krishna and Yadava Dynasty.

(Image Credit:hotstar)

"Krishna,Yadava Vamsam will be destroyed.You will be dead lonely and like an animal.Dwaraka will sink in Water."

Krishna Accepts Curse:
After Giving Curse,Gandhari feels it was her fault.But Krishna hugs her and says "I have accepted all blessings from Mothers,Now i will accept this Curse,I have gone through the pain same as you,Every Person wounded in war i have taken the pain,Everyone who died in war i have taken the responsibility,Mother I am your only SON."

Sri Krishna's Message:
Every Man lives with wishes of Power and Wealth in heart.Man shares his joy with Parents and family.He thinks they are source of his happiness.

He knows SOCIETY is also cause for his happiness.But he won't accept this.

If Everybody accepts SOCIETY like family there will be no disgrace in Universe.

Till the time People remembers Mahbharatha,This type of War will not happens.Whatever may be the time,Mahabharatha Story will NEVER DIE.Krishna thanks us for being a part of this journey.He says "Wisdom has been raised in us".

Krishna Crowns Yudhistira.The Story exactly ends Like this.

MAA TV Serial Mahabharatham - STAR Plus Mahabharat
(Image Credit:youtube)
Xtra:You can watch this final episode today @6pm on maa GOLD.

-Cuddle your TV.

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